Doctor Paul in the News

Discover Your Talent Podcast Interviews Dr. Kaloostian on His Passion for Medicine and Writing


HelloGiggles Interviews Dr. Paul Kaloostian on How Anger Affects the Body


Life Cycle Counseling Podcast Interviews Dr. Paul Kaloostian on Neurosurgery and Addiction

Life cycles counseling

Inquisitr Interviews Dr. Kaloostian Regarding Healthy Sleep Based on Age


Real Simple Interviews Dr. Kaloostian on Healthy Sleep


The Addicted Mind Interviews Dr. Paul on Neurosurgery, His Books, and Addiction

The addicted mind

Eye on the Triangle Interviews with Dr. Paul Kaloostian on Stress

Medium eot 3000

Recovery Today Magazine's Exclusive Interview with Dr. Paul Kaloostian, LA's TOP Brain Surgeon

Recovery today magazine

FOX KTVU Interviews Neurosurgeon Dr. Paul Kaloostian on Post-Covid Brain Disorders

Fox ktvu

Shout Out LA Interviews & Highlights Dr. Paul Kaloostian's Work in LA

Shout out la

The Way Out | A Sobriety & Recovery Podcast Interviews Dr. Paul on the Science of Addiction and Recovery

The way out podcast episode 242 promo

Ticker News Interviews Dr. Paul on the Importance of Quality Communication in Medicine

Dr. paul on ticker interview pic
Watch the video here: Ticker News Interviews Dr. Kaloostian

Sleep Deprivation Might Explain Why Some Jokes Are Funnier Than They Actually Are


Dr. Paul Quoted on HuffPost: 11 Health Issues Doctors Are Seeing More Of Due To The COVID-19 Pandemic


Dr. Paul Quoted on Yahoo! News: 11 Health Issues Doctors Are Seeing More Of Due To The COVID-19 Pandemic

Yahoo news

High Vibe and Healthy Podcast Interviews Dr. Paul Kaloostian on Boosting the Brain

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Listen to the High Vibe and Healthy podcast episode #68 here: Boost Your Brain with Dr. Paul Kaloostian

Hofstra University Interviews Dr. Paul Kaloostian on Autism

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April is Autism Awareness Month, and this interview provides insights on what we know about autism, what it looks like and how treatment and help is provided to people with autism. Listen to the radio interview and podcast here: Dr. Paul Kaloostian's Perspective on Autism

Meet Dr. Paul Kaloostian, Author & Neurosurgeon on The BE A FORCE Podcast

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Dr. Paul shares his experience with neurosurgery, stories of helping patients and how it has inspired him to write many books. Listen to the Apple Podcast here: Meet Dr. Paul Kaloostian, Author & Neurosurgeon

Thrive Global Interviews Dr. Paul as Part of Their Optimal Wellness, Performance, & Focus Series

Thrive global
Dr. Paul shares how he is able to develop optimal performance and wellness in his life through his real-world experiences. Read the article here: “Being positive”, Dr. Paul Edward Kaloostian and Parveen Panwar, Mr. Activated

KTLA 5 Interviews Dr. Paul on Love: This Is Your Brain on Love

What is love ktla 5
Dr. Paul Kaloostian shares what creates the feeling of love in the brain. Watch the interview here: This is Your Brain On Love

HealthDigest Consults Dr. Paul's Expertise on the Health Consequences of Holding a Sneeze

Healthdigest consulting with dr. paul
Dr. Paul goes over serious side effects that can result when people attempt to hold in their sneeze, as well as the importance of letting it out. Read the article here: Why You Should Think Twice Before Holding In Your Sneeze

GoodDay Sacramento Interviews Dr. Paul on the Science Behind Love

What is love interview with goodday cw
"What is Love?" is the question presented by GoodDay to Dr. Kaloostian. See the interview here: What Is Love?

Good Morning Washington Interviews Dr. Paul on Communication With Patients

Good morning washington interview with dr. paul kaloostian
Dr. Paul shares how compassion and communication are essential to providing patients with quality care. See the interview here: Ensuring compassionate communication with your physician or doctor

The Authors Show Interviews Dr. Paul Regarding His Book My Surgical Cases Told in Poems

The author's show interviews dr. paul
The Authors Show interviews Dr. Paul regarding his book My Surgical Cases Told in Poems, who has created a genre of his own with Medical Poetry

The Power of the Patient Project Interviews Dr. Paul on Caring for Patients and Their Families

The power of the patient project

Virginia This Morning Interviews Dr. Paul on Compassion between Doctors and Patients

Va this morning
Dr. Paul Kaloostian discusses the importance of compassionate communication with patients, especially during the Coronavirus pandemic.

The interview is featured on:
VA This Morning
Yahoo News
News Break

Interview on Desert Doctors

Dr. paul video interview
Speaking on treating neck pain and neurosurgical approaches for minimally invasive procedures. See the interview here.

The Writer's Life Magazine Interviews Dr. Paul

The Writer's Life Magazine Interviews Dr. Paul about his passion for writing and how he connects with his patients through story and poetry. See the article: Exclusive Interview With Dr. Paul Kaloostian.

The Culture News Interviews Dr. Paul on App Startup ZhizDeals


Dr. Paul on MSN Lifestyle

Msn lifestyle
Advice from Dr. Paul regarding health safety during the pandemic was highlited in MSN's segment: I'm a Doctor and You Could Get COVID if You Touch This.

Dr. Paul on CBS Sacramento

Fear video
Sharing insight on fear during CBS Sacramento's Halloween Fear segment and how it has been essential to human survival. See Halloween Fear.

VoyageLA Inteview with Dr. Paul

VoyageLA highlights Dr. Paul's writing, experience and what he is working on now. Local Stories: Meet Dr. Paul Edward Kaloostian.

InMag's Article About Dr. Paul & His Books

InMag explores how Dr. Kaloostian doesn't just treat his patients, but also understands and respects them. Visit A Beacon of Light During Dark Times: Interview with Dr. Paul Kaloostian aka Dr. Paul.

The Mike Wagner Show Interviews Dr. Paul Kaloostian

Listen to the audio from the interview through either of the two link options:

Version 1 - Mike Wagner Show Interview with Dr. Paul 
Version 2 - Mike Wagner Show Interview with Dr. Paul 

Good Day Sacramento's Interview on Alzheimer's Awareness Month

Alzheimers awareness
Dr. Paul Kaloostian shares valuable information about Alzheimer's disease and the importance of communication with patients and family. Visit: The Alzheimer's Awareness Interview.

Very Well Health Consults Dr. Paul's Expertise on PTSD and Premature Brain Aging

Very Well Health consults Dr. Paul's expertise to comment on a study that finds that PTSD may cause premature aging in the brain. See the article here.

LA Wave Publication Highlights Dr. Paul's Poetry Inspired by His Surgeries

La wave newspapers
The LA Wave Publication provides a look into Dr. Paul's poetry inspired by his surgeries. This article is published in printed newspaper and online. See the article: Neurosurgeon Pens Book of Poetry About His Surgeries
Dr paul on the douglas coleman show

The Douglas Coleman Show VE with Dr. Paul Kaloostian

Douglas Coleman interviews Dr. Paul about his work as a Neurosurgeon and his books. See the video here. Quotes Dr. Paul Kaloostian on Alzheimer's Disease


Authority Magazine Interviews Dr. Paul on Building Habits for Optimal Wellness, Performance, & Focus

Authority magazine
In Authority Magazine's interview, Dr. Paul Kaloostian shares his life experiences, insights on keeping a positively focused mind, and building habits for best performance. Read the article: Dr. Paul Edward Kaloostian: Getting An Upgrade; How Anyone Can Build Habits For Optimal Wellness, Performance, & Focus

Dr. Paul Shares His Expertise on a Condition Many Pregnant Women Experience


Contact Dr. Paul for Analysis and Opinions

If you are a journalist or researcher, Dr. Paul is happy to offer analysis or opinions.
Contact Paul